1,000+ locations, 36 years & 35 countries
Policies & Disclaimers
Disclaimer and Terms of Use
The information provided on this website and our literature are intended for informational purposes only. The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. Information and opinions expressed on this website may be those of the thinning hair experts and thinning hair professionals who have written them based on their education, experiences, and over 34 years of work at the HLCC and our parent company.
The information provided should be examined in the light of individual case evaluations by local doctors. The website developers, HLCC, and its affiliated companies take no responsibility whatsoever for the consequences experienced by the patients who may use the information provided on this website. HLCC and our thinning hair experts and hair loss team assure you of the best possible efforts for those who apply for online solutions. However, please note that we do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or, illness nor do we guarantee any magical cure. The products and the claims made about specific products and hair loss programs and rs on this site have not been evaluated by HLCC or the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or, illness. Results vary by person. Before using any information or products, you should consult with your physician. It is considered that the user has read and agreed to this disclaimer when one uses the information or literature on this site and the online treatment option. HLCC makes no claims about any of the lasers or products it sells. The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for the medical laser device the HairMax LaserCombs and many others are now clinically proven to promote hair growth in males with androgenetic alopecia (Norwood IIA to V with Fitzpatrick skin types I to IV)To view FDA’s public record of this clearance visit http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/pdf10/K103368.pdf. * Check with the FDA for the list of others. The FDA approves drugs such as Minoxidil and gives clearance for devices such as the HairMax LaserComb, Theradome, iGrow, etc. and we include those products and lasers and other FDA-approved drugs (Minoxidil) in our programs. Although proven in 1,000+ locations worldwide none of our programs are, by themselves, approved by the FDA only the individual items within those programs may be. Should you find a mistake on this site or elsewhere where it refers to a program with a laser or that a laser was approved by the FDA it is in error and should read a laser that with FDA Clearance not approved and again refers only to laser mentioned above or with the FDA. The only topical Minoxidil approved by the FDA to grow hair is Rogaine® and its exact generic equivalents. Although we have found our products to be effective in our 1,000+ locations, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or, illness, including hair loss in any way. The affiliated program and distributor sales are available other than in the Greater Capital District. See your Hair Loss consultant for further details of specials.
No medical advice, state, or governmental accreditation
The information posted here by HLCC® or any third party should not be considered medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals. HLCC® does not answer specific questions nor refer people to a particular trichology professional. HLCC® expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information and materials. No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is given in conjunction with the information and materials. Your response to this information and material is entirely beyond HLCC® ®‘s control and HLCC® rejects any responsibility/liability for your actions, and any subsequent actions by other persons at your behest, directly or indirectly associated with this HLCC® website and the information and material posted here. HLCC® provides training that we feel is the best available, and even though some of our trainers may have state education training or certifications, however, HLCC® does not claim to provide any state, US government, or medical accreditation.
Further Laser Disclaimer
All lasers sold or shown on this site are for cosmetic use only and are not medical devices and are not sold as anything but cosmetic devices for which we make no claim. These cosmetic low-level devices or lasers are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or illness, including thinning hair in any way. No product or laser on this site has been tested or approved for use on minors or persons under the age of 18. All products and lasers sold on this site are not intended for use by minors or persons under the age of 18.
Further Hair Regrowth and Stopping Thinning Hair Disclaimer
All HLCC locations or affiliated clinics offer thinning hair solutions programs and laser thinning hair programs that can include Rogaine, generic 5% Minoxidil, and the HairMax Laser comb, etc., each proven to regrow in certain cases. All mentions of hair growth, stopping thinning hair, and anything other than changing the appearance of hair to appear fuller, thicker, and healthier-looking are related only to the programs that include those products. All other products are cosmetic and do not claim to re-grow hair and stop thinning hair. To be clear it does not matter how effective or for that matter ineffective a product is if it is not clear as a medical device (like the MEP-90 and Hairmax® Lasercomb and many others, or FDA-approved like 5% Minoxidil or Propecia®) it is cosmetic and we don’t and no one can claim it can change the body and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness.
No Medical Training or implication of you being able to provide Medical Treatments Hair Loss Practitioner, Hair Loss Specialist, Associate Trichologist, Trichologist, etc. are Industry terms, referred to by many within the Cosmetic and Beauty Industries. By no means does HLCC or USTI® imply that you are participating in any form of medical training or training to provide medical services and/or practices to your clients, by your participation in our business development training seminars. Anyone seeing a Hair Loss Practitioner, Hair Loss Specialist, Associate Trichologist, or Trichologist agrees they understand that although these people may or may not have great knowledge about thinning hair they are in no way medical nor should their advice be considered anything but cosmetic advice. Our cosmetic business development course(s), strictly provides educational business development training, and varying by state, may require a state license to perform the cosmetic Hair Loss Services that we reference in our course materials. HLCC or USTI® makes no claim(s) or representation in knowing the individual City, State, Government, or Country licensing requirements, within the territory, you may provide Cosmetic Services. Again, each area has its laws for everything, and USTI® does not claim these classes are cosmetology, medically or otherwise sanctioned in any way, in any area. You may learn about treatment strategies, for example, that only doctors can provide in your area, to refer clients for further evaluation. The treatment services and/or strategies that you may be provided in our seminars may have specific professional licensing requirements, to meet the authorities’ legal requirements to provide such services. These legal requirements may vary by your professional licensing Board of regulations, within your area of expertise. Please check your local, county, state, and Country Laws and legal requirements to provide any services that may be referenced in our seminars. It is further agreed that HLCC or USTI® educational sponsored business development course(s), do not provide for Continued Education Units or credits, nor is it recognized by any State, Federal, or Government licensing board(s) or affiliation(s). All third-party certifications are administered by the American Medical Certification Association. The associate is a lower form of a Trichologist and does not imply any form of degree of any kind.
Disclaimer of Liability
The user assumes all responsibility for the use of this website. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the HLCC® or anyone else involved in creating or maintaining this website be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or lost profits that result from the use or inability to use the website and/or any other websites which are linked to this site, including, but not limited to, reliance by a member or visitor on any information obtained via the website; or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, viruses, errors, defects, or any failure of performance, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access.
Product Exchanges or Returns
All products from the HLCC come with our promise of truthful answers to your questions, not false promises. We give you the best product or products for your individual needs, not one product fits all. Just like your doctor, you’re evaluated (we are not medical but cosmetic only), and products are added and/or subtracted, based on your response, budget, and individual goals (thinning hair). Our return policy is like that of your doctor (which we are not) and we generally don’t accept returns. If you are not satisfied with the results you are seeing, just call and our professional staff can adjust your thinning hair solution as we are committed to having happy customers. In some cases, we may at our discretion take back unopened products or make exchanges.
All locations are independently owned and operated.
All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All products are subject to prior sale, change, price change, or withdrawal. Neither HLCC nor the information provider(s) for this site shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, or misprints and shall be held harmless. Product descriptions and information are provided for consumer personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective products or services that are non-medical, that consumers may be interested in purchasing. Information on this site was occasional.